Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Instagram Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt

The Instagram challenge this weekend was quite fun! I loved that Vanessa said the pictures needed to be found at home.

We did go out for awhile on Sunday, and I tried to find the social media posts. I found a few, but couldn't complete the whole challenge. 

Here's some of them...


I was kinda of pushed into Instagram last fall when we got our service dog in training puppy. Our trainer recommended that we keep track of his progress through Instagram with the use of pictures and videos. It's a cute way to share with family and friends, but our trainer also shared that she has used her Instagram account to prove her dog was 'legit' as a service animal. The ADA laws do not require any sort of documentation (certifications, tags, etc). In fact, a service animal does not even need any gear (i.e. a vest) to enter public/private buildings. 

Apollo had a big weekend. On Saturday we went to Universal Studios, (which he had walked around in before), but it was his first time riding the rides! He was awesome of course. The most important thing with training service dogs is exposure. 

But in the end, he's still a goofy Golden puppy that we love so much!

Remember to follow Apollo's journey...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole, thank you for sharing the items you did find on your scavenger hunt. When I was looking at some of the items, I thought there were a few tricky ones! It really goes to show that social media can be found everywhere, especially when you leave your house and are out in the community. What a great way to keep track of Appolo's progress and spread some awareness for service dogs! I am glad he did well on the rides. I love your painting by the way, I enjoy painting as well ands find it very relaxing!


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