Fake news, Fake sites, Fake information...Where is the truth? How do I find it?
Information sharing has officially moved away from things like TV, newspapers, and radio. Psychology suggests that we have an innate tendency to share information with each other.
Askew (2017) commented that,
People tend to trust what they read in the news, because low and behold, it’s the news, which is written by trained journalists. When Facebook first caught fire, people started spreading images with due warnings about everything from Monsanto to onions removing flu bacteria from the air if kept in your bedroom.
Osatuyi, B. (2013). Information sharing on social media sites. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 2622-2631.
Lauren Askew, https://miappi.com/reliability-of-social-media-news-source/
I honestly don't watch the news anymore. It got to be so depressing for me, and I never knew what to believe. I have heard that MSNBC is one of the more reliable news sources though.