Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Neil deGrasse Tyson Has Spoken

 I came across this picture in my FB feed yesterday. 

I dutifully follow Neil because I love his posts that make your brain ponder deep thoughts about the universe. 

My thoughts when I saw this picture, "That's an awesome jacket! You go, Neil!" And that was that. I moved on. 

Over 8,600 people had to comment on this photo. Unfortunately, it devolved into an ugly discussion about proper usage of the American Flag. 

Which brings up the point...when is it appropriate to comment and when is it appropriate to shake your head in disagreement and move on? 

Here's what Mr. deGrasse had to say...

Well, this has been an illuminating thread. Allow me to offer some perspectives...
1) The photo is from the USS Intrepid, a WWII-era aircraft carrier parked near 42nd street on the West Side of Manhattan, NYC, my home town.


2) When I have the occasion, I prefer symbolism to words. A photo of me in a jacket with a US Flag pattern, on the deck of a Navy ship represents my silent offering of respect for Memorial Day.


3) Social media threads need not devolve into tribal conflict for every possible post. What is accomplished by this, other than the fomenting of division?


4) My read of the US Flag Code is that it applies to actual Flags, and not to apparel with a pattern of the Flag sewn into the material.


5) But maybe the real question is, How free is a country that constrains the ways one show respect for those who have died for that freedom?


A warrior's ultimate act is to lay down his sword.
- Hero (2002)


Respectfully Submitted,
Neil deGrasse Tyson, New York City.

So, where does this leave us? A picture of a man in an American Flag jacket bring more divisiveness to a country who is already struggling with this topic? Sometimes, it's better to just keep your mouth shut (or stop your typing), Karen.  

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